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Geo Research
Georesearch is established a regional office and laboratory facility in Cairo since 1993. We have the capability of undertaking integrated stratigraphic, sedimentological and regional geological or geochemical studies in Egypt and Middle East.


  • Biostratigraphy

Wellsite and routine stratigraphic services (micropalaeontology, palynology and nannofossils), high resolution reservoir stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphic evaluation and more.

  • Exploration Geology and Geophysics

The Exploration Group at Geo Research combines expertise from the key disciplines of Seismic and Non-Seismic Geophysics, Structural Geology and Petroleum Geology.

  • New Ventures Screening

Providing direct assistance to companies wishing to increase their portfolio in the screening of new opportunities through to evaluating specific license rounds.

  • Geological Static Modelling

Well-to-seismic correlation, horizon / structure interpretation, velocity modelling, domain conversion, seismic attribute modelling, structural modelling and more.

  • Sedimentology

The Sedimentology unit's expertise extends to both clastic and carbonate facies, and includes the full spectrum of depositional environments.

  • Petrophysics

    High quality log data audit, edit and archive, deterministic and probabilistic multi-mineral formation evaluation techniques, digital core analysis.

  • Structural Geology




ION GX Technology – Seismic Data Processing


 ION Geophysical delivers a full suite of seismic data processing services through a seasoned team of experts who share an uncompromising commitment to provide the highest quality image.

- Pre-processing
- Advanced imaging
- Full-wave services
- Land processing
- Marine processing



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